Mittwoch, August 06, 2008

Kunsthaus Zofingen 2008

9 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

great! i love your art! do you have a flickr ?


hi madeleine. we don't have a flickr. just myspace and blogspot. thanks for compliment. miramicha

Jessica Sutton hat gesagt…

I love your work, it's completely mesmerizing.

I posted a little blog showcasing some of it (

If you're ever in need of a website, I'm your girl :)

Claire Mojher hat gesagt…

Such fantastically wonderful work! I'm inspired and moved by your pieces.
The use of pattern is close to my heart, and the dream-like quality reminds me of the things I sometimes imagine when listening to certain music.
I'm sorry that I can only write in English!

Alexandra Hedberg hat gesagt…

Your work is really good indeed! Congrats!

.girl ferment. hat gesagt…


moominsean hat gesagt…

really amazing stuff...just noticed your work on the covers of low motion disco albums and it was instant love!

Chrissy Foreman C hat gesagt…

Your work is stunning!

Hobo Divine hat gesagt…

Beautiful as always!